John Stossel

Kamala Harris’s Track Record: Big Spending, Wokeness, Equity and Flip Flops

A Presidential Candidate Who Believes in Economic and Personal Freedom: Chase Oliver

John Stossel

The Bad Policy Both Trump and Biden Like: Tariffs

Stossel Confronts a Professor

Classic Stossel Campaigns vs Media

What Your Teacher Didn’t Tell You About Native Americans

Electric Cars: Inconvenient Facts, Part One

The Greens' New Target

Classic Stossel: Fake Farmers

The Bee-pocalypse: Another Scare Story the Media Got Wrong

The Truth About Climate Change

Is RFK Jr. Really as Pro-Liberty as He Claims?

Classic Stossel: Meet The Makers

The College Scam

Why Progressives Ruin Cities

A Tale of Two Camps

Media Bias: Subtle (and Not So Subtle) Ways Journalists Slant the News

Viral Influencer Gloria Alvarez Fights Socialism

Jesse Ventura - When David Schultz Slapped 20/20 Reporter John Stossel

Critical Race Theory in American Schools

Capitalism Myths: Part 1

Inequality Myths

Leaving the Left